Contract Manufacturing

Adirondack Fulfillment Center

CWI’s Adirondack Fulfillment provides a wide range of assembly, packaging, collating and other custom fulfillment services for local businesses and is an integrated workplace, providing employment for people with and without disabilities.  Through our partnership with the New York State Industries for the Disabled – NYSID –, Adirondack Fulfillment employs individuals in the in the Morcon Tissue facility in Eagle Bridge, NY – and sells essential paper products that supply New York State agencies.

Adirondack Fulfillment prides itself with providing excellent quality work in a timely fashion and welcomes new partnerships with businesses.

Adirondack Fulfillment Center

We work with local businesses to provide ongoing production, packaging and fulfillment services. We can also help with one-time projects!

Do you have envelopes that need stuffing for that huge mailing coming up?

Do you need packets put together for your marketing campaign or upcoming conference?

Do you have an assembly project someone else could do and it would save you both time and money?

Adirondack Fulfillment Center can help!

CWI LogoIf you have a need or project you think we could help with, contact Barry Fitzgerald, Fulfillment Services Manager, at 518-793-4700 ext 12133 or